Daily Blog: David Richardson (Principal Tuba) writes..........
Just for the record today is not Friday because Sunday has come!!!! And it is not any old Sunday: it is Easter Sunday. B.C.B’s Sunday started with a combined visit to a retirement centre where both the B.C.B. and the London Citadel bands played Easter hymns to the people there. (Time does fly when you do these things and we soon found ourselves at the ascension, according to the BM.)
The celebrations continued back at London Citadel where a small group of bandsmen played Easter tunes as the sanctuary filled. The large congregation joined together to give thanks for our risen Saviour in song and prayer. The band was joined by members of the sunday school playing homemade drums and “El Es el Senor” (He is Lord)resounded around this beautiful place of worship. The London Citadel Songsters sang “Celebration Day” before Lt. Col. Anthony Cotterill opened Gods Word in his inimitable and illuminating style. “He is Risen” concluded the service as the B.C.B played the finale from “Kerygma”.
Now it was back to earth with a bump. Instruments, bags, boxes and suitcases all had to be finally packed and loaded onto the coach ready for the journey home. We pray that God will bless our efforts in His name and that it will truly have been a job well done.
Armed with packed lunches a buoyant but tired band boarded the bus for Toronto airport. The last clanger pot presentation took place with Gavin being the winner despite serious competition. The actual “clang” was.......well, what happens on the tour stays on the tour!
Check in at the airport today was as bad today as it was good at Heathrow but all done. Now the wait begins!
Bible Study
Sunday 24 April
Easter Sunday
He has Risen!
John 20 and 21
We made it! Easter Sunday – the day of victory, celebration and
To take in the whole flow of this resurrection day I have suggested that we read the whole of John 20 and 21. You’ll need SPACEPETS to help you in this most awesome of days and it is probable that this is being completed on our journey back home – which is quite symbolic of the whole event.
First read John 20 vv1-18
It is interesting to see how differently Mary addressed and referred to Jesus within two verses! (vv16 and 18). This has been a theme throughout our journey and continues to be for our lives. Who is Jesus to us? Just a good man? A teacher? Or is he Lord? There is the old saying – “If he is not Lord of all then he is not Lord at all” What does that means for us?
John 20 vv19-23
When Jesus appears look what he brings (v19 and v21) and look what he gives (v22). Check back a few days to John 14 vv26,27)
John 20 v24-30
Even to those (all of us?) who doubt Jesus comes and invites us to hold out our hand to him. Look at the result (v28) and read why John put all these words down! (v31) May we receive and believe and have life in his name.
Chapter 21 of John’s Gospel is one of the most powerful and blessed chapters in the whole Bible!
As you read it can you place yourself in the midst of the story?
So much of it echoes back to earlier incidents in the gospels. You will recognise them as you read.
It is interesting that there are three fires which burn in the holy week story. Could you spot them?
Oh – the third fire! You need to go to Luke 24 v13-35 and find it in v32 – but it is my prayer that as we have journeyed together he is burning within you and that as we return it will be in the resurrection power of his infilling, empowering Spirit. (Ephesians 3vv14-20 is where it all began!)
The first fire is found in John 18.18 – a place of denial – you’ll see a picture of this towards the front of the brochure with the others in the pictorial journey. The second fire you can see above (John 21v9). It is a fire if reinstatement! A breakfast where Peter is re-commissioned and from where he is given direction to do what? (vv15,16and 17) and then two critical words that Jesus speaks to us all at the end of v19 and again repeated at the end of v23. His last words to Peter were the same as his first (Mark 1v17). His penultimate words ‘feed my sheep’ resonate with his second words (1v17) ‘I will make you fishers of men’ – in other words “do something about the people round about you!”
We began this journey hearing Jesus say to us and Bartimaeus “What do you want me to do for you?” – we could be ending it saying “What can I do for you? How can I better serve you, Lord?”